Reproduction and Contraception

Suprelorin® 4.7mg

Safe and effective implant to suppress testosterone production and reproduction in male dogs for at least 6 months.

  • Dog
  • Implant

Suprelorin® 4.7mg is a unique, safe and effective implant for non-permanent contraception in male dogs. Suprelorin® 4.7mg is a biocompatible implant injected under the skin, which temporarily suppresses testosterone. Using Suprelorin® 4.7mg provides all of the advantages of castration without the surgery and it is temporary if not repeated. 

Suprelorin® 4.7mg implants are a cylinder of a biocompatible lipid matrix, which is broken down by the body to provide a sustained release of the active ingredient, Deslorelin acetate, over time. 

  • Safe and effective option
  • Not associated with any side effects
  • Great option for patients at greater anaesthetic risk or those who need to return to fertility in the future
  • Temporary treatment with vast majority of dogs returning to completely normal fertility within 12 months after the implant was placed


Placing the implant is very simple and is placed subcutaneously (under the skin) in between the shoulder blades. Only one Suprelorin® 4.7mg implant is needed, regardless of the size of the dog receiving the implant.

It will take more than a month for the implant to be effective the first time it is used, and so it is necessary to keep the treated dog away from on-heat bitches for 4-6 weeks after the implant is placed. The implant lasts for at least six months; therefore, to avoid any lapse in efficacy, it is recommended to place a new implant every 6 months or consult your vet if signs of fertility return earlier.


Suprelorin® comes in a box of two implants, with one reusable implanting device.

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“The changing landscape of desexing: vasectomy, ovarian sparing spay, non-surgical, or not at all? The current evidence”

Presented by Dr Stuart Mason on 14th October 2020
BVSc (Hons) MANZCVS (Animal Reproduction) Diplomate American College of Theriogenologists
Monash Veterinary Clinic, Melbourne, Australia

Watch Webinar


“Contraception in the Male Dog and Clinical Uses of GnRH Agonists”

Presented by Dr Mary Ontiveros on 12th April 2021 BSc, DVM, Dipl ACT - American Registered Specialist in Animal Reproduction

Watch Webinar

Suprelorin Working Dogs



Suprelorin mode of action
Watch how Suprelorin works to suppress testosterone and fertility


Suprelorin placement procedure
Watch how Suprelorin is implanted in a dog


 Watch the lecture “Non-neoplastic & neoplastic disorders linked to desexing in dogs” presented by Dr Michelle Kutzler, DVM, PhD, DACT, Oregon State University, USA, and recorded at Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Perth, May 2019.

Watch Lecture

Available from your local veterinarian.


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Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. A009158. Suprelorin® is available only under a Veterinary Authorisation. See for registration conditions.