
BackHome Bio-Glass Mini Transponder

Safe effective permanent identification microchips

  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Implant

BackHome® Bioglass is a tiny biocompatible electronic microchip that is a simple way to identify your pet. The microchip carries a unique code which identifies your pet when scanned. By ensuring your pet’s microchip is registered on a microchip database should your pet become lost, its microchip can be read and your pet returned to you.

Veterinary clinics, dog wardens, and animal shelters have scanners that can read microchip numbers.

The process is simple and causes no more discomfort than other injections. Pets of all sizes from small birds, cats, dogs and horses can be chipped. There are a number of microchip registers available to pet owners for registering their animal’s microchip.


Your pet will receive their microchip by veterinary clinic staff through a subcutaneous injection (under the skin) at the base of their neck. It is super quick and easy! 

Available from your local vet clinic.

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