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Dog vaccines: what diseases to protect them from

Serious diseases

All dogs should be immunized against distemper, contagious hepatitis (also known as Rubarth hepatitis) and parvovirus.


Parvovirus causes acute haemorrhagic gastroenteritis and is highly contagious. This disease causes major epidemics and many puppy deaths. Parvovirus is very resistant in the external environment, which facilitates contagion. This is why all dogs must be vaccinated.


Leptospirosis is a serious bacterial disease that can also affect humans. Dogs are most often infected in water contaminated with rodent urine. If you have a hunting dog or if you often go to wet areas with your dog, it is essential to have your dog vaccinated against leptospirosis.


Rabies is a deadly viral disease that affects all mammals including dogs, cats and humans.

France is considered free from rabies, but vaccination remains valid. If you want to travel abroad with your dog, vaccination is mandatory. The more we vaccinate, the less likely it is that the disease will reappear in France. Rabies vaccination also protects your dog or cat when imported rabies cases occur in France.

The rabies vaccine can be given from the age of 3 months.

Canine cough

Canine cough (kennel cough) is an infectious tracheobronchitis that affects dogs. The vaccine is recommended for dogs that live in community, that go in kennels, to expositions or to canine clubs. The canine cough is due to several bacteria and viruses including parainfluenza virus.

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