Trace Elements

MULTIMIN® Copper Free

Rapidly boost trace element levels in your flock or herd to improve reproductive performance.

  • Sheep
  • Cattle
  • Trace Elements
    Trace Elements
  • Injectable

MULTIMIN® Copper Free is an injectable trace element supplement for New Zealand sheep, beef and dairy farmers.

Containing selenium, zinc and manganese, it is ideal for livestock with known or suspected high copper status or low copper tolerance. Best administered to stock prior to high periods of demand, such as pre-tup in sheep and pre-mate in cattle.

  • An injection containing selenium, zinc and manganese
  • Chelated formulation that is safe and tissue friendly
  • Shown to improve scanning percentages when used 4 weeks prior to tupping in ewes.1


By law the user must take due care, obtaining expert advice when necessary, to avoid unnecessary pain and distress when using the product other than as directed on the label.

For use in sheep and cattle by subcutaneous injection. READ ENTIRE CARTON BEFORE USE. 

For more information, download the updated Product Profile by clicking the link below, or speak with your vet. 

SHEEP - 1 ml / 50kg
CALVES up to 1 year 1 ml / 50 kg
CATTLE 1 - 2 years 1 ml / 75 kg
CATTLE over 2 years 1 ml / 100 kg
  • Ewes: 4 weeks before tupping. 
  • Lambs: At weaning. As administration of small volumes may lead to dosing errors, it is not recommended to treat lambs until 25 kg bodyweight.
  • Calves: At day 1 and weaning.
  • Cows: 3-4 weeks before calving, mating and drying-off.
  • Heifers: Every 3 months, especially 3-4 weeks before mating. 
  • Additional: Every 2 months in wet conditions. 


  • Milk: Nil
  • Meat: Nil


Available in 500 ml pillow packs.


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Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. A009882. See www.foodsafety.govt.nz for registration conditions.


1. Swaney, S. (2014). Increasing conception rates in sheep by using an injectable trace mineral product prior to joining in diverse regions across Australia, Virbac data on file.

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